Well, summer's officially here and FINALLY we had some weather that looked like it. It was warm and sunny and just how "summer" should be. I'm definitely hoping today is a sign of a lovely season ahead. As I took Kate out in the stroller yesterday morning, I listened to (or, rather, re-listened to....) "Eat, Pray, Love" and it included a quote I thought was so perfect and fitting: "Little girls who make their mothers live grow up to be such powerful women." The first time I listened to and read this book I was just pregnant with Kate, and couldn't imagine who the little human growing inside me would be. Now I know and, yes, she does indeed "make me live." Isn't that just a wonderful way to express what kids can do for their parents? I had a great life before her, but it's so, so much more meaningful and so much more great now. It's one of those things that can't be described to you before you have kids, but you are infused with the feeling the moment they arrive. I, for one, think Kate WILL be a powerful woman one day. After all, she's a pretty powerful toddler.... Anyway, we "lived" the first day of summer by enjoying the sun. We went to a park that Kate chose because it had to "have swings and the bumpy slide." This park is in the middle of a few baseball fields and next to the middle school. We explored around, only to find Kate's paradise: the maintenance area of the school where there were two John Deere tractors and a backhoe! They were just sitting there, begging for her to "drive them." And drive she did. What a find!! Then some "really big kids" (I'd say 12 or 13-year-olds) came to the park on their bikes. Kate proceeded to practically drool all over them and their bikes. They liked her, though, and let her follow them around and even let her sit on their bikes. I think Kate almost died and went to heaven. The afternoon after that was probably anti-climatic but we did play with water and buckets in the front yard for quite some time. Then came the VERY best part of the day: when daddy comes home! I'd say it was a pretty perfect way to kick off summer 2010.
1 comment:
Pam put it this way:" Into Bryn and Ryan's quiet and ordered lives came KATE!" And she reordered everything. She is delightful and powerful already and she's not even 2! I have this wonderful image of her wearing her pink tutu and carrying a hammer. Mike would be proud.
grandma connie
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