Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Snowy weekend!
We woke up Saturday morning to about 10 inches of snow, and it's snowed off and on since then! We're pretty much homebound, but finding ways to entertain ourselves. Kate's starting to enjoy the snow, and we're just about to head out to try out the new sled Ryan just brought home! And, totally unrelated to snow, here's my favorite Kate gem of the day: while playing with legos that build into a castle, she proclaimed, "now I will put the toilet (turret) on top!"
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Life is good
We have a big window along side our stairs and I have a habit of doing the whole "starlight, star bright, first star I see tonight..." wish thing whenever I walk down them and get a glimpse of the stars. Yesterday as I walked down them with Will in the early morning hours, the stars were shining brightly and I automatically starting the wishing chant. When I got to the end, though, I paused and no wish came to mind. If I thought about it awhile, I'm sure I could come up with some but, in the moment, my mind was blank. I'm thinking that says that my life is pretty great. Healthy, happy kids, fantastic family and friends--there's not much more I could wish for and that makes me very happy.
Monday, December 13, 2010
My recent favorites
Saturday, December 11, 2010
This boy's got cheeks!
Will's cheeks are every bit as squishable as Kate's were. Oh, Will, I could just eat you up!! I know I'm completely biased, but that little smile melts my heart. And at this moment he's taking a nap. In his crib. Now, I understand that this is no feat for most kids but if you know Kate, you know that we've never experienced this simple luxury before!! Kate has only ever napped in the stroller and by "ever" I mean ever--she has never been a napper and would never do it in her crib. She's an awesome sleeper (since she was 9 months old anyway) but I can't say she ever willingly and knowingly took a nap. Will, on the other hand, was just hanging out in his crib, watching his mobile while I did some chores. I went in to check on him and, wonder of all wonders, he's just snoozing away! No big deal for most but, for me, it's AMAZING!
Great idea, daddy!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Three months old already!
1. When in doubt, do the gracious thing.
2. Simplify, simplify, simplify
3. Use firm handshakes
4. Smile
5. Always write a thank you note
6. Get the meaning, not just the answer
7. When it comes to family, you defend and support. No exceptions.
8. Every once in awhile, take the time to dine, not just "eat." In life, take the time to enjoy, not just rush through.
9. Only drink good champagne. If an event is worth celebrating, it's worth celebrating right.
10. You can always come home.
Thanks to ALL my moms and dads. You make me a better parent every day.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Gingerbread house & a milestone for Will!
This weekend we had a mini-Civil War party with our friends Heidi and Ryan and their daughter Addie. While the guys watched the game, the girls made a pretty great gingerbread house. We weren't sure what Addie and Kate would think about it, but they loved it (especially the testing of the candy part). We managed to get most of the candy on the house, but Kate is still eyeing it daily, telling me "that house would be yummy in my tummy!" It's a fantastic snowy, inside day activity, though, so we might do it again--maybe with graham crackers and cream cheese to cut down a LITTLE on the sugar! :) Will wasn't so involved with the house (although he is already eyeing our food pretty carefully) but he did hit a big milestone two night's ago: moving into his own crib! The first night he woke up a few times and seemed to be looking around like "where AM I??" Last night, though, he did just fine. He fell asleep downstairs around 6 (early for him) and I fed him around 8:30. He didn't wake up and then slept until 3:30. He got up to eat and then went right back to sleep. It's almost 6:30 and he's still sleeping, so he seems to be on his normal pattern again. Both kids asleep? I'll take it anytime I can get it!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Word to the wise:
Monday, November 29, 2010
Everyone loves a parade
Whipped cream!
Thanksgiving photo extravaganza!!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Too cool...
Kate is definitely starting to assert her independence when it comes to fashion. For her, the height of haute couture at the moment is her Lightning McQueen pajamas. Sure, they're meant for boys but as Kate loves all things Lightning, they are perfect for her. And she doesn't want to take them off. Ever. But, to lend a girly streak to the outfit, she does like to have her fingernails and toenails painted now. She has bright red on now, which would seem really girly if she hadn't told me that she wanted "red like Lightning McQueen." Kate also is into wearing hats, preferably her red Swiss winter hat or Tupperware fashioned as headware. Her final accessory to any outfit at the moment is her pink camo sunglasses. Never mind that it is snowing, sunglasses are a must for this little diva in training!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Conversations with Kate
Friday, November 19, 2010
Kate's animated twin?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
We choose ROYAL names!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
A trip + 2 big birthdays!
Ryan, Kate, Will and I want to send HUGE birthday hugs to Grandpa Bob and Aunt Cyndi!! Today is Grandpa's day and yesterday was Aunt Cyndi's, but we were lucky enough to be down in Yreka last weekend to wish them happy birthday in person. Kate and I made some birthday brownies and Kate had her first taste of chocolate (well, without gagging, that is...) I have video evidence that she likes chocolate in the form of brownie batter! It may be a fluke, though, since we made chocolate chip muffins yesterday and she emphatically stated, "I DON'T LIKE THAT STUFF!" Aside from all things chocolate, we had a great time in Yreka and Will was a fantastic little traveler! He slept the entire way there and was his same mellow self while we were there. He got to meet a lot of the Singleton side of the family, and now we're even more excited to get to go back for Christmas. Christmas will be interesting this year, I think, because Kate will be excited about presents but I don't think she gets the whole Santa thing yet. She wants a tool bench like daddy has and when I told her "maybe Santa will bring it for you," she said, "no, daddy will just go buy it." We'll see!!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Our little linebacker!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Our silly family... headed for Yreka! It's Will's first road trip!! We love ourselves a road trip, so we're hoping Will joins in our excitement for traveling anywhere and everywhere. We can't wait for Grandma Star and Grandpa Bob(by) to see Will again and for Will to meet Uncle Jay, Aunt Cyndi and the Singleton clan. CAN'T WAIT!!