Saturday, November 20, 2010

Conversations with Kate

Is there anything better than a conversation with a toddler? I don't think there's much else that provides the level of entertainment that can be derived from chatting with a little one. I could do an installment of "conversations with Kate" everyday as we have some great talks! I love the things she says, especially now that she repeats everything she hears (good and bad!) Today, while playing legos, she told me "we have no time to waste!" Where did she pick that one up?? But, my favorite conversation of the day so far was about Santa. I was trying to explain to her who Santa was and what he did, and then we were deciding what everyone is getting from Santa this year. Sorry to ruin the surprise, but here's what some of you are getting, according to Kate: "Kate will get a tool bench, green or white nail polish and purple play-dough. Mommy, you will get a great, big hammer. Will will get a tiny, little hammer and maybe a birthday cake. Grandma Star will get lots of presents. She's been really good. Grandpa Bobby and all the grandpas will get a Christmas tree. Daddy will get some tools and Grandma Connie will get some books. And maybe some other stuff, but I don't know." Here she paused for a moment, thoughtfully, and then added: "Probably Santa will have to go to the store. It could be Target." And, then, our Santa conversation had apparently run its course as she remarked: "Mommy, I need a Q-tip." Sometimes I hope she never grows up because I will miss these conversations SO much!

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