Thursday, February 10, 2011

A toddler's mind is an awesome thing

Kate says a lot of things every day that make me laugh, but this one may top the list. Tonight, while giving Will a bath, she noticed (seemingly for the first time) that Will has different "equipment" than she does. She's known that there is a difference for some time, but has never questioned me about anything other than herself and "lady parts." Well, tonight, she declared: "wow, Mommy, Will has an ACORN. Can you believe that??" At first I had no idea what she was talking about, but she continued on adamently about his "acorn" for quite some time. I really couldn't even begin to explain to her what she was actually seeing--mostly because I was laughing so hard. I've never heard her reference an acorn before, but she picked quite a way to start!


Anonymous said...

Ha! Love that girl!
Auntie Courtney

Anonymous said...

oh my, you have a world of laughter ahead of you. I hope to get Jennifer here this summer. we will visit. Maryl