Monday, February 28, 2011

Go figure

Kate cracked us up last night by eating sour cream by the spoonful. Yes, sour cream. She saw it in the fridge and thought it was yogurt. Ryan told her what it was and that she might not like it, but she called his bluff and proceeded to tell us that "she loved it so much." Sour cream eating alone is not all that funny, but what is funny is Kate's total love of condiments. Not food, condiments. She has never been an adventurous eater. In fact, she's pretty much disinterested in food. There are about 10 foods she loves and the rest she can take or leave. But she's rarely met a condiment she doesn't like. She'll eat: butter, cream cheese, syrup, ketchup, mustard, salt, pepper, guacomole, hummus, ranch dressing, sour cream and probably more that I'm forgetting. She loves to go to the brewery to eat ketchup and mustard on their own with a knife. This is, in fact, how we let her entertain herself while we eat. It works well (never fear, it's a dull knife). I'm not sure what this love of the stuff that goes on food (or, for Kate, is eaten as a food group) means but if it buys us the time to have a dinner out, we'll indulge it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There will never be a dull moment at your dinner table. Their Daddy provided lots of drama at meal time...maybe it is in the genes!
Love, Gramma Star