Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ugh. Yuck. Blah.

I. HATE. COLDS. SO MUCH. Kate's working on her third this winter and Will caught this one, which is the first time I've had a sick baby. I feel so bad for them both. Couple the colds with the TWO literal blizzards we've had this week and we've been stuck in the house WAAAAAY too much. Poor Will can't breath at night so I basically sat holding him all last night, listening to him snort and snuffle. Can anything make a mommy feel worse and more sad than sick kids? I don't think so. On the upside, they both seem better today and I'm crossing my fingers that this is the last nasty bug for a long, long while. Spring come quick!!!!


Cindy Anna said...

Colds are just awful!...especially for little ones! Not to mention all the sleep deprivation!

Anonymous said...

I remember that feeling--how can you ever forget it? As soon as they can breath and you can sleep, it all gets better--I promise. I've had it with winter too!