Monday, January 17, 2011

Morning monologue

Each morning, one thing I look forward to is Kate's daily monologue. She delivers this morning talk-fest each day upon waking. Of course, all she does all day is chat up a storm but, in the morning, it seems that a whole bunch of thoughts have built up all night long and she just has to get them out in one big, looooong rush. All you can do during these monologues is sit and listen because she's definitely not looking for input. I'm not sure where the topics come from....what she was dreaming about before waking, perhaps? Whatever the inspiration, I totally love listening to her sweet voice go on and on and on.... Today, for instance, her speech went something like this (and, no, she doesn't pause for breath): "Mommy, Will is a baby but he's not really a little baby anymore. Cooper's brother is really little but Will's only kind of little and he has a round head. Babies can't talk, though. They can't talk because they don't have teeth. Everyone needs teeth. I used to not have teeth but that was when I was a baby and now I'm big so I have teeth and I talk. Someday Will can talk but not now. And remember when we went to Grandma's house last week and Will cried and we had to say hush, hush and then I ate bunny crackers? Yeah, probably we should do that again." It went on from here, but I was taking notes this time and this was as far as my paper went. Will likes to watch in awe as Kate talks, but he waits until she's otherwise occupied to give his opinion. Wise boy--I'm fairly positive she will always be the boss in this relationship!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful example of "Will-speak." You may need earplugs when they both begin speaking at once!
Grandma Connie