Friday, January 28, 2011
Here we go!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Sunshine, glorious sunshine!
Is there anything better during the doldrums of January than a week of warmer-than-average weather with--wait for it--actual SUNSHINE?! Not my much by my estimation. Don't get me wrong, we think the snow is fun, but we've also been enjoying the mid-50s we've been having the past few days. Yesterday we played outside for a couple hours, by far the longest since last summer. Kate's also gained some new outside abilities in the last few indoor months: she can walk all the way to the mailbox (a ways from our house) by herself, she can pedal her tricycle and she likes to play pretend outside as much as inside. Yesterday, she wanted to hunt for dinosaur bones....grandma Connie, did you teach her this? :)
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
The wonders of a blanket
Monday, January 24, 2011
Kate's words of wisdom
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Three kids is a lot more than two
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Accessories by toddler
Yesterday Kate decided to dress herself in black pants and nothing else, except some underwear for accessories. First, she put mine on as necklaces because "they are really big big-girl underwear" (thanks, Kate!) Then, she decided to go all out and pile on 7 pairs of her own underwear. Not sure if she has a future in fashion design ahead of her. I'm just hoping that this signals that she might actually wear real underwear as a first layer in the near future......
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Make-believing memories
Monday, January 17, 2011
Morning monologue
Each morning, one thing I look forward to is Kate's daily monologue. She delivers this morning talk-fest each day upon waking. Of course, all she does all day is chat up a storm but, in the morning, it seems that a whole bunch of thoughts have built up all night long and she just has to get them out in one big, looooong rush. All you can do during these monologues is sit and listen because she's definitely not looking for input. I'm not sure where the topics come from....what she was dreaming about before waking, perhaps? Whatever the inspiration, I totally love listening to her sweet voice go on and on and on.... Today, for instance, her speech went something like this (and, no, she doesn't pause for breath): "Mommy, Will is a baby but he's not really a little baby anymore. Cooper's brother is really little but Will's only kind of little and he has a round head. Babies can't talk, though. They can't talk because they don't have teeth. Everyone needs teeth. I used to not have teeth but that was when I was a baby and now I'm big so I have teeth and I talk. Someday Will can talk but not now. And remember when we went to Grandma's house last week and Will cried and we had to say hush, hush and then I ate bunny crackers? Yeah, probably we should do that again." It went on from here, but I was taking notes this time and this was as far as my paper went. Will likes to watch in awe as Kate talks, but he waits until she's otherwise occupied to give his opinion. Wise boy--I'm fairly positive she will always be the boss in this relationship!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Sitting up!
Okay, no, not exactly. But he really wants to and he tries so hard. To help him along, we dug out the Bumbo chair yesterday. When I got one for Kate, lots of people told me it was THE BEST thing so, naturally, I thought she would love it. Not so much. The second time around I'm much wiser about baby stuff and realize that every baby likes different things, and not for any logical reason. They just like it or they don't. But you never know until you try, right? This is a long-winded way of saying that I purchased a lot of things that I didn't use that much. Oh well. Will, though, seems to like the Bumbo so we may get some good use out of it after all! Last night we all had dinner together, Will on the table in the Bumbo (I'm sure the directions say not to do this but, really, who can just use it on the floor? Babies like to SEE what's going on!) I'm really hoping he can sit up on his own fairly soon. I'm ready for it whether he is or not! In other family news, we are FINALLY getting over the marathon cold and cough bug that has plagued us for near a month. Ugh. Kate had it bad, but she is finally coming out of it. It didn't really phase her at all, but the hacking cough really got to me! It's so hard to listen to them cough when there's nothing you can do. I can't wait for it to be totally out of her system. Her little school starts up again today and she's well enough to go, so we'll finally get to play outside the house!!! Freedom!