Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Handy Kate

We got cable a few weeks ago, so Kate now knows about "kid shows." We had no idea about the world of Dora the Explorer, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and others, but we sure do now! I must say television is very helpful when Will is eating at a luxurious pace or it is SNOWING outside (as it did last night--argh, NOT ready for winter!!) But I digress. Kate's very favorite show is "Handy Manny," who is basically the Hispanic version of Bob the Builder. He has a whole bunch of tools that talk, and Kate knew all their names after watching the show once. If only I had her memory. She is totally obsessed with "fixing" things, which is why she was delighted when our dishwasher broke and Ryan tried to fix it. She kept fixing long after Ryan had finished, announcing "Kate has to fix the dishwasher" over and over and over again. Her fixing world just got better when a repairman came to look at it. He had the whole thing dismantled and she kept asking him "what is Handy Manny doing?" I think he was totally baffled as to why she'd be calling him that, but it's what you get when you enter a household with a tool-obsessed toddler!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Debbie Bopp's daughter planned to be an astronaut when she grew up, but then a guy came to their house and fixed their window. After that, she thought nothing looked like more fun than fixing windows!

The bear suit is adorable!