Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Well, we didn't do anymore trick-or-treating but we did manage to get into the Halloween spirit, at least a little bit. Kate and I continued the sugar-fest by making jack-o-lantern cookies yesterday. Mine had faces and hers were decorated with Cheerios, crackers and the occasional candy. She made them for Ryan, claiming "these will be yummy in daddy's tummy." Saturday night was the adults night to celebrate. Ryan and I went to a neighbor's party with Josh and Jen. We all managed to have costumes of sorts, despite not preparing anything ahead of time. Jen stepped up and managed to buy some pretty fantastic outfits: "Disco Dolly" for her and some sort of mullet-man for Josh. They looked quite awesome, and I must say Jen rocks as a platinum blond! Ryan and I, on the other hand, got dressed literally 5 minutes before we left and decided to go as a sleep-deprived mom and baby. I mean, what could be more fitting, right? Ryan actually wore a diaper (!) and my "costume" was pajamas and purple eyeshadow under my eyes (not that I needed it!) I did wear a camo nightgown to keep with our slightly trashy theme! It was fun to get out as adults, even if only for a short time. Today, we didn't do much but Will did wear a pumpkin shirt (until his diaper leaked!) and Kate stayed in her Halloween pajamas all day. I think she tried to dress up as daddy because she was stomping around in his boots. I'm guessing she liked the costume more than the tutu!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween comes early!

We weren't planning on doing Halloween this year. I know, I know: everybody seemed to think I was depriving Kate by not going trick-or-treating but, I swear, I wasn't trying to be cruel. It's just that Kate was not interested in the holiday and she also doesn't know what candy is and, really, how much longer can I get away with that?! Our plans changed, though, because Sisters hosts a big children's parade where little kids get to march all over downtown and all the businesses hand out treats to them. So we went and IT WAS AWESOME. Kate still doesn't "get" Halloween. She had no input into her costume because we had to do it last minute. She was a ballerina because what we had that would qualify as a costume was a tutu. I thought she looked fantastic but it was a bit ironic that she was a ballerina because I'm sure it's about the last thing she would choose to be if she had a say. In fact, she wasn't too thrilled about putting it on, so I had to bribe her a bit by letting her pack along some of her tools. A ballerina with tools? Why not. Also, earlier in the day, I was trying to go over the whole trick-or-treating thing again and was telling her that she would say "trick-or-treat" and people would give her treats. To this she replied, "I want tricks instead." Now that's an obstinate toddler for you. Despite not understanding what was going on, she had a great time at the parade. She was looking around in awe and it must be weird to see tons of kids running around in weird outfits when you truly have no idea WHY. She didn't care about the candy at all, and skipped right by about half the businesses, but she did love parading around and walked the whole way (about an hours worth). She took to picking up leaves, using curbs as balance beams, watching trucks and kicking rocks. All while dragging her candy bag and sometimes opening up for some treats. By the end, I was carrying her bag and she was carrying a leaf. She wanted to do it all again, though, so I think she liked the whole process anyway. As for me, I thought it was about the best thing ever. What is cuter than hundreds of kids all dolled up and wandering around on a sunny day? Not too much in my book. When we got home, Kate was excited to see M&Ms in her bag and she happily organized them into color groups for quite some time. Proving that she still doesn't know what candy is, she got out a green jelly bean and said, "mommy, is this a little avocado?" I think her teeth are safe one more year!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The return of the bear suit!

Ryan and I had a favorite outfit when Kate was little: the cozy, fuzzy suit we called the "bear suit." Kate spent lots of time in this footed wonder because it kept her so toasty when we were outside. We were actually quite sad when she outgrew the largest size, although I suppose it's not too practical once they start walking. But, still, we mourned it's passing which is why today was an exciting day because Will wore it for the first time! It was just as fabulous on him, so expect to see many more photos of him in the 3-month size, the 6-month size, the 9-month size.......LOVE it! :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Handy Kate

We got cable a few weeks ago, so Kate now knows about "kid shows." We had no idea about the world of Dora the Explorer, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and others, but we sure do now! I must say television is very helpful when Will is eating at a luxurious pace or it is SNOWING outside (as it did last night--argh, NOT ready for winter!!) But I digress. Kate's very favorite show is "Handy Manny," who is basically the Hispanic version of Bob the Builder. He has a whole bunch of tools that talk, and Kate knew all their names after watching the show once. If only I had her memory. She is totally obsessed with "fixing" things, which is why she was delighted when our dishwasher broke and Ryan tried to fix it. She kept fixing long after Ryan had finished, announcing "Kate has to fix the dishwasher" over and over and over again. Her fixing world just got better when a repairman came to look at it. He had the whole thing dismantled and she kept asking him "what is Handy Manny doing?" I think he was totally baffled as to why she'd be calling him that, but it's what you get when you enter a household with a tool-obsessed toddler!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Play time with big sister

Will already adores his big sister! He stares at her all day long and has given her his biggest smiles yet. Well, Kate and the wall--why do babies do like to smile at the wall so much??
I think Kate's warming to him too...she's progressed to saying "he's a nice little baby."

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Kate's musings of the day....

So, I know we're only at the beginning of the "toddler-asking-constant-questions" phase, but she's already come up with one that had me stumped. Upon waking yesterday morning, she announced "my tush has two sides." And then, inevitably, "mommy, how come the tush has two sides?" Because that's the way the body works? Because mommy said so? I don't know! What WILL she come up with next? Then, this morning, we had a moment that totally showed that Kate is a mechanically-inclined girl at heart. She's been getting into brushing my hair lately (granted, she is not very gentle and likes "to get the tangles out") so I thought she was showing some signs of girliness. But, to add her own twist to it, this morning she grabbed her play power drill and took it to my head, saying "I'm going to give mommy a hair-do." Perhaps stylist is not in her future?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


In the book "Eat, Pray, Love" there's a part about how every person and place has a word that fits his/her/its character just perfectly. For Will, I'd have to say this word is "sweet." He is just a sweet, cuddly little guy. He's starting to smile and coo and really watch everything we're doing. As any parent knows, the start of smiling is the huge payoff for the exhausting first few weeks. When I look at Will, "his" word just shouts itself out. It's funny because I never thought about Kate's word when she was an infant but, thinking back, it definitely wouldn't be sweet. This isn't a judgment against her; it's just not who she was or is. I'm not sure what word fits her to a tee but I'm thinking passionate or precocious fits the bill. I know it's just a book, but I have to say I think I believe the whole concept because Kate was "passionate" in the womb (the midwives called her authoritative before she even came out!), she came out full of fire and she hasn't quit yet. Will, on the other hand, was much more mellow in the womb, came out content and is still easygoing. People keep telling me their personalities can change but, personally, I think we've got two kids with completely different personalities. What fun to watch them grow!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Kate's third day of school!

I know it's more traditional to take a FIRST day of school photo but, alas, my memory is not altogether these days. Perhaps I have an excuse? :) So, Kate had her third day of school yesterday and I'm not getting down to documenting it. Calling it "school" is really a bit of hyberbole, but it is AT a school. In fact, at the preschool she'll go to next year. It's a program where the parents spend the first hour with the kids and, during the second hour, the kids go off with a teacher and the parents have a parent education group. So far it has been the best thing we've done for her. It's great that she's getting some socialization and will be used to preschool for next fall. I've been so impressed by her. She loves it and participates in everything. She even claps and sings the songs (VERY unlike her). Plus, she's met her cosmic twin. There is a girl with her same birthday and exact same personality. No joke. You'd think there couldn't possibly be two Kates but this girl comes close!! Same verbal ability, same fiery personality, same independent's crazy. As they'll be in school together for the next 16 years of so, we think they'll either adore eachother or hate eachother because they're so competitive. Time will tell, but it will be fun to watch!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

One of those days...

Kate and I battled it out yesterday. Man, she was TWO to the extreme. It was one of those days that makes you keep asking HOW MUCH LONGER until bedtime. I was worn out, I must admit. But, then, just before the bedtime I'd been so looking forward to, she told me she wanted to watch a movie with Will. She got out a pillow for him and a pillow for her, and then laid next to him while she watched a little of the Aristocats. As I watched them, I was still worn out but so thankful that there are little moments each day when even a "terrible" two-year-old shows her nice, loving side.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Learning to love Will

While a parent's love for their baby is instantaneous and unwavering, I think a sibling's love comes with time. And I honestly think Kate is beginning to have affectionate feelings for Will. I mean, she shared her prized pumpkins with him and what greater indication of love is there? :) Really, she is showing signs that she does actually like having him around. It's just little things like stroking his head, sitting next to me while I feed him and exclaiming constantly and with glee "he's a TINY little baby!" It's wonderful and rewarding to watch her grow into having a brother. Will, she may be a bossy big sister (of this I have no doubt) but I'm also quite certain she will be your biggest protector and best teacher.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pumpkin patch=chaotic fun!

On Friday, we experienced a kids free-for-all at the D&D Pumpkin Patch in Terrebonne. It was really disorganized chaos, with kids on entertainment overload since ther were so many fun things to do. Saying it ws chaotic, though, is not to say it wasn't fun: Kate had a blast and was definitely one of the kids who was running all over the place like a maniac. In about three hours, she climbed on hay bales, went down a TALL slide, went through a maze, petted animals, rode a pony, took a hay ride, fed cows, ate kettle corn and picked out pumpkins. All the things a kids should be doing in the autumn!!

Buzz the pony gave a bumpy ride!
Look, Mom, no hands....

At this point on the hay ride Kate was saying, "Kate can get out and play with the cows!"

We settled on feeding the cows instead....

She wanted the biggest pumpkins, be we talked her into a "Kate-sized" one

It's hard to tell from the picture, but this slide was high and really fast. Of course, Kate was saying "do it again" before we even got to the bottom.

Driving a tractor!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Figuring this two-kid thing out

Kate helps with tummy time!

Four weeks and....

.....10 pounds!

We've now had Will four whole weeks! It's sort of been a crazy time warp of sorts because it seems like we've had him forever, but it also seems like I was just in the hospital with him yesterday. My what a four weeks it's been. Probably the busiest and most eye-opening we've had! Everyone warned us that we were really in for it for the next couple years having a newborn and a two-year-old. I agree, it is challenging, but it has gone better than I thought it might. Will is a pretty easy-going little guy. He and Kate are SO different! He only cries when he needs something (or needs something fixed) and then he's back to calm. He seems like he'll go with the flow which is, I suppose, how second kids have to be. The only issue we've run into with him so far was a tummy problem, but we've pretty much figured out that he isn't digesting cow's milk well. So, no cheese or ice cream for me for awhile! Uncle Jay, I might need some good dairy-free product tips from you! Despite that little hiccup, he's growing so fast. He was weighed yesterday and is just over 10 pounds, which means he's gained a little over 2 pounds since he came home from the hospital. I think, overall, there is just this sense of contentment now that Will completes our family. Now that he's here I can't imagine not having him. I really find that I like having two kids better than just one and that I feel more of a sense of purpose. Marriage and two kids is definitely not for everyone but, for me, it feels just perfect. Speaking of the kids, it's time to get the older one up for the day. We made it through our first night alone last night since Ryan was out of town and it (knock on wood) went very smoothly. Today will be a great day because we're headed to a pumpkin patch that has hay rides and PONY RIDES. As we basically stalk pony rides, you know where Kate will be all day today!! :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Our weekend....

Enjoying the fantastic summer-y weather! Kate loves hiking and climbing on rocks with daddy.
Sunday morning at the elementary school....
... Sunday night at the park...still obessed with making the wall "Kate's balance beam"

Tight squeeze for daddy! Kate kept yelling "we do it again" before she even went down.

Sleeping through his first (of many) visit to the pub!

Dining with a two-year-old means saying "we're sorry" to the waitress! Kate spent her time "painting" with ketchup and mustard. On a plate, thankfully.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Our little comedian

Kate has recently discovered her inner jokester and she's really letting her out. She's been doing a lot of extremely forced sounding laughing at things lately and then proclaiming "Kate thinks that's funny." The jokes she creates herself are the best and are hilarious because they are so NOT funny. Of course, she doesn't really get what a joke IS so, for awhile now, her jokes consist of saying something she knows isn't true and then laughing hysterically at the mere thought. A few months ago, she started out with things like "the sky is red," but they're becoming more sophisticated of late. Her favorites currently are to say "I have three mommies (or daddies)" or "daddy likes to take baths" (he doesn't) and so on. She was quite proud of herself the other day when, waiting for Grandma Connie to arrive in the red car she usually drives, Kate stated, "Grandma Connie drives a truck...." (laughter ensues and then--wait for it because this is the big punchline)"...with Aunt Cyndi!" This creation nearly sent her over the edge. She was belly laughing at her creativity which, naturally, made me laugh. Which is probably why she thinks all these jokes are funny--and, really, they kind of are. :)