Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thanks for making our day!!

There's just something about receiving flowers that always, always makes you feel good. I'd just returned from the doctor's office (where I learned there's been no more dilation--yeah!)yesterday when there was a knock at the door and a man delivering a wonderful bunch of sunny sunflowers. What could be nicer than that?? This lovely bunch was sent by our fantastic long-distance friends Kate and Jim, who are not only extremely thoughtful but made such an effort as they live in England! Thank you, thank you, you two, for totally and completely brightening my (and, obviously, little Kate's) day!


Anonymous said...

What thoughtful friends! Great news that the dilation has not increased. We anxiously look forward to meeting Kate's brother or sister as well as Miss Kate in her new role as a big sis. Love, Gram S.

Anonymous said...

Ah lovely - I'm so glad they arrived! Great to see Kate's beautiful cheeky grin!
Big Kate xxx