OH MY GOD. I must have seriously done something to piss of the karmic forces out there because we just had about the worst weekend ever. And I thought that missing our anniversary and taking Kate to the doctor was bad. That was NOTHING. Our weekend of joy really got going on Saturday afternoon. Ryan was still stuck out on the fire, and Kate and I had been stuck inside too long. So we decided to take a little voyage out and about. We'd been in the car about 10 minutes when Kate threw up everywhere. It's just one of those times when you wish you could just rewind time. I have no such power, unfortunately. We got it cleaned up and headed home. I thought it must be just some fluke thing because she seemed fine. She actually was pretty much fine the rest of the evening, but I started to feel sick around 5 o'clock. I thought it was just because I'd been around it all so I was just imagining it. If only. No, not long after Kate went to bed, I got sick and proceeded to be sick all night. Poor Ryan finally got home around 9 pm, only to find me a total mess. I literally slept not one minute the entire night. But I did read a whole book, if that counts for anything. On top of the vomiting, which is really enough as far as I'm concerned, I started having contractions. I have false ones all the time, but these wouldn't go away. Ryan had to leave for work about 5 a.m. and I told him I was waiting until 6 and then calling my mom, and maybe the doctor if the contractions didn't go away. I called my mom at 6 only to find her wide awake because SHE WAS SICK TOO. Could it get any better?? I did call the doctor, and he said to go to the hospital to be checked out. So my mom and Bill, bless them, came over and my mom stayed with Kate (who, incidentally, woke up and threw up all over) while Bill took me in. I got to the hospital and they got me all hooked up to check on the baby and started IVs because I was dehydrated. I was still having contractions and I was 2 cm dilated. They gave me some medicine to help stop the contractions to see if I was actually in labor or if they were just brought on by dehydration. The doctor said that if I dilated anymore, I'd have to have the baby. What a great day to have baby, right?? Ryan got there, which made me feel better and we waited...and waited...while I was pumped full of "expensive Gatorade" (as the nurse put it). After a few hours, they checked again and I hadn't dilated anymore. FINALLY, something went our way. We got to go home and now, fingers crossed, we're on the mend. Isn't that just such a lovely story?? I hope to have more cheery posts soon. I hope you all had a MUCH better weekend!!!
1 comment:
OH MY! A very similar thing happened to me about 2 weeks ago! And the medication to stop the contractions isn't fun either! I'm praying your contraction free until the 14th!
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