Thursday, August 19, 2010

So close!

In just three weeks, this large belly will produce a real, kicking, screaming BABY! I can hardly believe it's so close. Aside from the consequences of the heat and having a bladder, forgive the pun, the size of a pea (terrible, I know), I'm feeling pretty good. It's easy to get caught up in the daily aches and pains, but I do know I have a relatively easy time of it and, for that, I am very thankful. My main gripe right now is all the people telling me that, oops!, they went into labor before their planned c-section date. People, I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW THIS. For one, I'm a type-A planner so I like having a set date and, for another, I really, really don't want to go into labor. Call me wimpy or un-womanly but, seriously, the 19+ hours of "womanly experience" I had with Kate were enough for me. If there was any chance of the birth happening naturally, I'd be singing a completely different tune. But lots of fruitless pain? No thank you. I WILL make it to my planned date, your hear that oh mighty Labor Gods?? But, anyway. For now, I am really trying to enjoy Kate and all the really wonderful things about her. I'm trying to do more ignoring of all the things that need to be cleaned, cooked, etc. and more focusing on being with Kate in each moment of her day. I hope she knows that we love her more than life itself and that won't ever, ever change. I'm sure it will be hard for her to adjust to a sibling, but I know she will be one great (and, likely, bossy) big sister!


Cindy Anna said...

I'm so excited for you! It looks like the babies will be further apart than expected. I go in on the 26th to be induced! And I'm sure Kate will be one helpful big sister!

Anonymous said...

It's a matter of DAYS until we meet our precious Will or Claire! We are in the final countdown mode...can't wait! Gram & Gumpa S.