Monday, August 2, 2010

Birthdays should be every day!

I'm not exactly sure if Kate understands what a "birthday" really is but I'm pretty sure she'd like it if she could have a party everyday! We all had a great time--perfect weather, perfect park and perfect day to spend with family and friends. Kate loved having all her adoring grandparents in one place! She got into the whole present thing, especially when it meant lots of fun new toys and a big new rocking horse. Her favorite activity of the day was walking the "balance beam" at the park, which was really just a brick ledge that surrounded the playground. It got pretty high in the middle and Ryan and I saw our future flash before our eyes a bit when four other boys (all at least a year her senior) decided it was a bit too dangerous. As one party guest asked, "Has she always been this much of a daredevil?" What will turning THREE have her doing??? We have no idea about that, but we know that turning two is treating her right so far!


Anonymous said...

What a perfect party for both kids and adults. Thanks, B & R, for the terrific day!
Grandma Connie
PS I think Kate's very favorite part was the colored tissue paper.

Anonymous said...

A perfect party for our Miss Kate who entertained adults and children with her daring walk on the wall. Stay tuned for next year's stunts! Thank you for a fun visit...we will see you very soon. Love, Gram & Gumpa S.