Friday, September 3, 2010

Kate's first act of mothering

The washing machine: better entertainment than television!
Let's face it: Kate's really not the type of kid that is going to fawn over her new baby brother or sisters. She has not one iota of interest in dolls and looks at babies I point out to her as if to say "and WHY should I be interested in THAT?" At this point, she's expressed interest in the baby so that she can go in the double stroller, play toys with the baby and take the baby to the creek (hopefully not for a drowning). I'm fine with all this. So what if she likes trucks and bikes instead of dolls? But this is why I was very surprised today when she told me she wanted to take the little stroller while I pushed the big stroller. I put stuffed animals in them, which she normally takes right out in favor of pine cones or trucks, but today she said they were our "babies." We walked all the way around the block, which is really about a 30 minute walk and she pushed her "baby" the whole way. Granted, she did tell me she'd rather run and wanted to race, and the baby ended up riding with quite a few pine cones, but STILL, she did do something big sisterly. This mommy was quite touched. We'll see her real reaction in under two weeks!


Anonymous said...

I remember your reaction to Blake was frustration that he didn't DO
SOMETHING! Last night she told me, "Kate doosn't wike babies and
combines." It may take a while...
Grandma C.

Anonymous said...

Jay wasn't too crazy about Ryan (he pretty much ignored him} until he discovered their mutual love of blocks, trucks, Sesame St. and pony rides on Daddy's back. I know they will be great friends! Gram S.