Will is now 12 whole days old, and he, Kate and I had our first solo morning. Ryan went back to work today and the reality of having two little ones hit me this morning when I was trying to feed both of them while also playing play-doh. Definitely not enough hands. We knew that Kate would get more feisty once Grandma and Grandpa left, and we were right. Yesterday, she was "sassy" (as she says). She was definitely testing us and, as the day wore on, I was having more trouble being patient with her. Today, though, was a new day and I resolved that my mantra would be "patient mommy, content kids." And I think it's worked so far. Kate woke up happy, but when Will woke up soon after her and she had to share attention, she started to melt down. I just told her that she could decide to be a big kid and a mommy's helper, or she could decide to spend some time on her own in her room if that's what she'd rather. She quickly decided she'd rather stay with us and she's been great ever since. Will has been fantastic, too. He was a bit fussy yesterday, but he's back to his mellow self today. I thought it a great success that I got all of us bathed by 9 a.m. Small victories! I know this isn't going to be smooth and easy, but we're finding our way and I know we'll find our rhythm soon!
taking care of 2 little one is a challenge that most men don't understand. Ryan may be the exception. Love you, Bryn!!!!
Bryn - Good job on your first solo day. We are praying for good energy for all you.
U Jay & A Cyndi
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