Wednesday, August 25, 2010

It's in the details

One detail I consider pretty important in life right now is the date of my planned c-section. This is not news to anyone who knows me or reads this blog as I JUST mentioned not wanting to go into labor. What date do we have marked on our calendars as the big day? September 13th. Right?? Now, I'm not just sending out a blatant reminder about the impending arrival of Singleton Baby #3. No, I mention this because at my doctor's appointment today I was told that I HAVE THE WRONG DATE. Oh yes, they DID schedule me on the 13th and tell me to arrive at 5:30 that morning but the hospital had a scheduling conflict and can't do it that day. Apparently, they were supposed to have notified me of this but I do think I'd remember the switching of my baby's birth date. Luckily, I happened to say to my doctor "so, do you think I'll make it until the 13th?" and, luckily again, he happened to know my chart well enough to know this sounded wrong. I mean, can't you just picture Ryan and I showing up on the 13th only to be told to come back the next day?? NOT something a pregnant lady wants to hear!!! So, now I have to make it until the 14th, WHICH I WILL. Bonus, though, at least the baby won't ever have a Friday the 13th birthday. Looking on the bright side.


Cindy Anna said...

OH MY GOSH!!! The same thing happened to me today.....but we're going in a day EARLY....TONIGHT!!!! So baby Tater will be born on the 26th!

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I'm so glad you found out before the 13th. I can't wait for the new little one to arrive! xoxo Auntie Courtney

Kelly Watkins said...

Isn't it weird knowing your baby's birthdate ahead of time (assuming you don't go into labor!)? I worked at the Women's Clinic when Adam was born and I got to go through the schedule and pick the day. I hope he likes November 1, because that's what I chose for him 8 years ago!
Thinking of you often and wishing you well. I'm going to go write on my calendar that Sept. 14th is the big day!