Sunday, August 14, 2011

Will's a terror, Kate's an artist (from mom's perspective)!

Okay, so it might not be Degas or Monet-like, but Kate drew her first people the other day and I was so proud! It's a lot of years (well, three, I guess) before kids do anything more than scribble, so I was kind of shocked when Kate said, "mommy, I drew some people" and it actually did look like people (okay, give me a little leeway here!) Kate has also entered the "but, why?" stage and says this sometimes dreaded phrase multiple times and hour, if not a minute. Most of the time I have no idea "why?" but I'm getting better at making things up. Kate has also taken to saying "No thanks, I'm good" when offered something, which just sounds really funny coming from a kid, even though I know Ryan and I say it all the time. She also loves to say "let's just do this for old times' sake" about just about everything which also sounds funny, mostly because there's not much "old time" for a three-year-old. And the funniest thing she said today was, "man, I had to pee like a horse" which was probably meant to be "race horse" (thanks a lot to whomever taught her that one!!) So, those are my random thoughts on Kate today. As for Will, he is, as my mom has said, "Hell on wheels." He is literally into E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. Even our Keurig coffee pod things, which he bit into and happily ate until I caught him. Yes, not even coffee grounds phased him. While all I could think was, "FANTASTIC, he will likely never sleep again" (luckily, he did). He also loves to unplug anything he can find including the baby-proofing plug covers, pull over anything can find, open anything he can find, climb anything he can find...okay, you get the idea. I can only imagine what walking will bring. And I guess that's about all my random thoughts for the day. Actually, no. I just thought of the second funniest thing Kate said today. When I told her I was taking Will up to put him to bed, she ran after us and said she really wanted to come. When asked why, she replied that it was her favorite part of the day. I asked her why reading to Will was her favorite part of the day and she looked at me witheringly and said, "no, mommy, my favortie part is when you put him to bed." Oh, sisterly love.

1 comment:

Cindy Anna said...

I just can't believe how much Will and Colton are alike! I think Colton will get into our Keurig pods too, as soon as he can reach them...Caitlin just makes towers with them now.

Kate's people are so cute! There is no mistaking them for anything else!