In the name of full disclosure, I must say that Kate comes by her stubborness naturally. I know I have always had an abundance of stubborness (right, mom?) and Ryan is no slouch in this department either (right, Star?), so Kate was genetically fated to want her way and to know SHE IS RIGHT. Today, we had a fabulous example of her stubborn tendencies. She is completely into the concept of "saving some for later" right now. She got the whole delayed gratification thing and is running with it. I took them running today and she had some fruit snacks in the stroller. When we got home, she was (as always) still clutching one lone fruit snack. She announced she was "saving it for after swim lessons." As the end of swim lessons was a good two hours away, I thought she'd lose interest but I told her it was a great idea and off she went, clutching the fruit snack like it was some nugget of gold. After a good while, she must have taken her eye off the prize because she put it in her mouth. Then, she burst out crying because, I think, she shocked herself. She started screaming, "GET IT OUT!! I was supposed to save it! GET IT OUT!" I told her it was just fine to eat it and she didn't have to save it, but she was having none of this advice. So, out we got a paper towel and in it went a half-chewed fruit snack. And there it stayed until--you got it--after swimming. You see what I'm up against here?! :)
WOW!!! That is hilarious! The teenage years are going to be a blast! I think Dennis and I are in the same boat too!
Jennifer and I howled over this latest "Kateism." Maryl
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