Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Umm, thanks, Kate...

So, we were pulling into a parking spot today when Kate started exclaiming, "Mommy, that looks exactly like YOU!!!" I looked around, trying to spy someone with red hair, maybe, or at least a mom, but saw no one. I asked her who she meant and she pointed at a man. Yes, man. A quite overweight man. With facial hair. Riding a recumbent bike. I must admit I was slightly dismayed as I quite like to believe that I am female and lacking in any significant facial hair. But, on she continued with her insistence that I looked EXACTLY like him. With further probing I learned that by "exactly alike" she meant that we were both wearing the same shade of blue shirt. Phew. I mean, no offense to this man, but my self-image was salvaged...for the moment (toddlers are full of flattery, after all).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Hilarious!
Big Kate x