Sunday, June 26, 2011

First movie, first concert, 400th post!!

We had a great weekend around here, with a couple of firsts for Kate and Will. This is also my 400th blog post--how is that possible?! I guess that means Kate and Will will have A LOT to look back on about themselves. :) As for the firsts, Kate went to her first movie in a theater this weekend! We probably would have waited longer to do this if it weren't for Cars 2 making its debut this weekend. Kate LOVES anything Cars related so we decided we'd take her to experience the new version on what she calls "a TV as big as the wall!" She woke up excited and chose her Lightning McQueen pajamas ( probably needless to say, but she got a lot of attention from the other movie-goers for her choice of attire....) We went for the full movie experience, and got popcorn and candy which made Kate VERY, very happy. She made it through the whole movie, minus three trips to the bathroom. The first time she did have to go, but the others were just her excuse to visit the bathroom (which she found very cool for some reason) and try out another stall. The fourth time she asked me to go, I had to cut her off. Other than that, she seemed to enjoy the whole thing, even though she didn't really follow the movie. She also didn't get why no one was talking and kept announcing, loudly, "it's SO quiet in here!" I think she liked being on a "date" with mommy and daddy the best of all--and we liked having just her for just a little while. The second first was the Will and Kate went to their first concert today. Bend has a great series of free summer concerts where you can just bring a picnic and hang out in the sun. We met some friends and really enjoyed our (finally) warm weather. Tomorrow, we head to Port Angeles to visit friends. Ryan can't go because he has a work conference but we'll think of him on our road trip!

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