Will had his very first haircut today--and now he looks so much older (to me, at least)! He seemed to go into a trance while he was having it done; I think it really relaxed him. And I think he liked all the ladies fawning all over him. So, now he's all gussied up for Kate and Jim's wedding....wheeeeee! We leave for England next Tuesday and they get married a week from Saturday!! I can hardly believe it's almost here. Kate and Jim are two of my absolute most favorite people in this whole wide world, so to be at their wedding will bring me nothing but immense joy. Watch out England, here Will (and his new hair) come!!
Oh, my. He turned into a little boy! The smile is just the same, though.
Grandma Connie
Wow he's a true gent! We are honoured that he's had his first ever hair cut for our visit!
I can barely type I'm so excited!
Big Kate
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