Sunday, July 3, 2011

Good times with old friends!

We made it back from Port Angeles and, although it's a lot of driving with two kids, I must say that it was a completely worthwhile trip. We basically packed in back-to-back visits with people the whole time we were there, and we still didn't get to see everyone! More time is always needed, I suppose. Anyway, it was a great road trip with Grandma Connie (who is a saint for coming along to visit people she doesn't know AND for sleeping in the same hotel room as Kate!) We stopped at Grandpa Mac's on the way up and back and both Kate and Will LOVED playing the "pinano," as Kate calls it. I can't say that what they play is "music" but they do play it with gusto. Most of the time was spent with Kate telling us all when exactly we could stop and start playing, while she danced (again, I'm not sure it's really "dancing" but it is done with vigor!) Kate had one of her defining comments, I think, when we were out on a walk on a path that goes by Grandpa's house. People kept coming past us and, as one passed, Kate announced, "well, I sure hope no one else gets in my way." Seriously, that could be her life motto. Today, she expanded on it, making it even more "her": "mommy, I sure hope no one gets in the way of all the plans I'm making." Well, no one got in our way on the way up to P.A. We made it just fine and the highlight for Kate was playing with Kevin, who was her first real friend. I don't know if they could possibly remember eachother, but they hit it off right away and were holding hands and hugging eachother. This is WAY out of character for Kate so I know she must REALLY like him. It definitely made me miss the good friends we made, but I've made them all promise to come visit and I'm holding them to it!! On the way back from P.A. we were able to stop by Grandpa Mac's retirement party (which was also on his birthday). It was a fitting end to a great career (he'd be modest and say it was no big deal but it most definitely was!) The next day Kate told Grandpa that she, too, wants a birthday and retirement party. When we told her she had to retire from something she said, "okay, I think I'll retire from Will." Poor Will--and all he does is smile at her!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Grandpa Mac on your retirement...I'm sure there will be many adventures ahead! Enjoy every minute!! Bob & Star

Anonymous said...

Every minute with you 3 is special!
Grandma Connie

Anonymous said...

Every minute with you 3 is special!
Grandma Connie