Sunday, July 10, 2011

Will's on the move!

After what seems like months of rocking back and forth on his hands and knees, moving backwards and dragging himself forwards, Will finally started crawling last week! Now, there's no stopping him. I'm afraid that what he really wants to do is walk, though, because he's always preferred standing and is now trying to stand on his own (with only a certain amount of success). He's happiest when he is on his feet, so I'm not sure if he'll be crawling for long. We shall see! For now, it's time to secure the house because he has already figured out how to go through all the drawers and how to unplug things (we have plug covers on all unused outlets, but he likes to unplug the things we need plugged in--not sure how to stop that!) He also puts anything and everything in his mouth (including dirt) so I'm finding it much harder than it was with Kate to keep him away from choking hazards. I didn't know how easy I had it with her! For one, we simply didn't have any small toys since she was the only kid in the house but, secondly, she really never put anything in her mouth. I've come to realize that she is totally not an oral person which, it seems most people are--and most all babies seem to be. This lack of interest in putting things in her mouth could also explain why she's so uninterested in food. I guess her other senses are more important to her but, for Will, the mouth is THE thing so I'll be spending my days trying to keep one step ahead of him...but, really, isn't that what parents are doing all the time? If you're not one step ahead, you're in for it! :)

1 comment:

Cindy Anna said...

It's like you're talking about Colton too! He puts everything in his mouth and is drawn towards anything electrical! Caitlin never did things like that. So funny how alike Will and Colton are!