Sunday, September 20, 2009

A baby no more

Kate's left babyhood behind and become a toddler--and she toddles just to prove it! She is becoming a more confident walker each day. She's definitely getting faster. We're fairly certain she would win a crawling diaper derby with her speed on all-fours, so I'm guessing she's shooting for sprinting rather than simply walking. She tried to "run" yesterday, but it was more of a high-knees wobble. I give her an A+ for effort, though. She doesn't give up and never gets discouraged when she falls...a good lesson for all of us. Kate and I have had a girls' weekend since Ryan went to Yreka early on Thursday. She's been good for me; it's so much easier than it was when she was younger. We've spent lots and lots of time at the park, where she has discovered those bouncy, suspension-like bridges. I think we bounced back and forth a thousand times yesterday. I also ran into a girl I worked with when we first moved here in 2006. At the time, she was pregnant with her first baby. Now, she's pregnant with #3!! It made me feel like having one is nothing, but she must be half crazy! I know one thing for sure: Even though Kate is usually good, I'm tired with just one and I'm REALLY happy Ryan's coming home tonight! We miss daddy!!


Anonymous said...

She's running! How quickly that happened. Imagine how much fun she can have now! It won't be long and she'll be on those trails without the stroller. A whole family of runners! Grandma

Anonymous said...

Walking and talking at the same time...what a talented grandchild! Gram S.