In other Kate "news," she seemed to say her first real word yesterday. She babbles a lot and says typical things like "da, da" and "bye, bye" but most of her other words are not really intelligible. I can't say if I can truly call this her first word since she may never utter it again, but if it is, Ryan and I may be in for it as her first decipherable utterance was "bank." I was telling her what we were going to do in the afternoon and I said that we were going to the bank. Clear as a bell, she repeated "bank" and proceeded to chant it for the next hour or so. Guard that wallet, Ryan, our girl's on the loose!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Wiggle Worms
In other Kate "news," she seemed to say her first real word yesterday. She babbles a lot and says typical things like "da, da" and "bye, bye" but most of her other words are not really intelligible. I can't say if I can truly call this her first word since she may never utter it again, but if it is, Ryan and I may be in for it as her first decipherable utterance was "bank." I was telling her what we were going to do in the afternoon and I said that we were going to the bank. Clear as a bell, she repeated "bank" and proceeded to chant it for the next hour or so. Guard that wallet, Ryan, our girl's on the loose!
Is Kate the only kid...

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Who needs a fancy highchair?
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Walk softly, carry a big stick
I've said it before but, seriously, why do we buy kids toys? Kate loves to carry this stick around, mostly back and forth from the garage door, where she knows daddy goes sometimes. She's becoming more and more of a Ryan mini-me each day! I got her a little tool apron and, not surprisingly, she's quite fond of the hammer. She's nearly "fixed" the whole house by now. Whether he wants help or not, I think Ryan's going to have a wood-working partner in the garage soon. As much as I'd love a little girl to do ballet, I'm thinking delicate pursuits are not Kate's thing. If she inherited as of Ryan's talents, though, I definitely wouldn't complain!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I can't say that Kate is sweet and nice all the time, but when she's sittting "reading," laughing at the pages, I think she is so sweet I could just about eat her. I adore her love of books and I hope it continues forever! Her milestone of the day: figuring out how to climb up the stairs on the slide and go down all by herself. That's big around here. She knew it too because she clapped for herself when she figured it out!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Daddy's home!
Kate was incredibly happy to have her daddy back. In fact, she couldn't stop laughing at everything he did. Ryan is the only one who can keep her in stitches like this. Thank goodness he's back; he was definitely missed!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
A baby no more
Kate's left babyhood behind and become a toddler--and she toddles just to prove it! She is becoming a more confident walker each day. She's definitely getting faster. We're fairly certain she would win a crawling diaper derby with her speed on all-fours, so I'm guessing she's shooting for sprinting rather than simply walking. She tried to "run" yesterday, but it was more of a high-knees wobble. I give her an A+ for effort, though. She doesn't give up and never gets discouraged when she falls...a good lesson for all of us. Kate and I have had a girls' weekend since Ryan went to Yreka early on Thursday. She's been good for me; it's so much easier than it was when she was younger. We've spent lots and lots of time at the park, where she has discovered those bouncy, suspension-like bridges. I think we bounced back and forth a thousand times yesterday. I also ran into a girl I worked with when we first moved here in 2006. At the time, she was pregnant with her first baby. Now, she's pregnant with #3!! It made me feel like having one is nothing, but she must be half crazy! I know one thing for sure: Even though Kate is usually good, I'm tired with just one and I'm REALLY happy Ryan's coming home tonight! We miss daddy!!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Ba, ba, ba, ba....
Kate must have heard the news that sitting on a stability ball is great for core strengthening...she's adapted the exercise for herself and repeats it all day long. She's taken to sitting and bouncing on a ball, while chanting "ba, ba, ba, ba" (I think it's her word for ball and balloon). It's quite the feat when she does this on the kitchen floor without anything to hold on to. Ryan and I wince, waiting for the crash when the ball rolls out from under her or she falls backwards but, surprisingly, this barely ever happens. She's also gotten good at using the ball as a launching pad to stand up and start walking. I guess there are some muscles in those rolly legs and tummy after all!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Our little diva
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?
Kate is! She was all decked out in the Seattle Seahawks jersey our friends Kate and Jim got her last year when we had a VERY fun day watching the Seahawks play. As a special "treat" for them, perhaps we'll get her a Sea Gals outfit this year! :) I don't think any of us sat down long enough to watch much of a game, but it's always a happy day in this house when football returns. Plus, Ryan and I both made it out of the first round of the football pool this year--better than I did last year when I lost the very first week! Aside from the onset of football, we had a running-filled weekend. We're only a month out from the Victoria marathon, so we've reached our serious long runs. Ryan and I did them on separate days this time, which made Kate happy because both runs ended at a park in Sequim. Two runs means two days of playing at the park--on Saturday, there was some sort of dog festival there, too, and I thought Kate might pass out with excitement. It must have been pretty close to her idea of heaven.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Best laid plans...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Kate's first "job"

Monday, September 7, 2009
Kate's vacation!

I don't think Kate missed us too much--and that's putting it mildly! She spent the time playing outside in the dirt and water, mostly, making great discoveries like the wheelbarrow, watering can and MUD. Poor Grandma Connie had to change Kate's clothes about 5 times a day just to keep up with all the playing she did! They went to the park multiple times and had a great time wandering the aisles of Costco (Kate adores this, for some reason). I think (I KNOW) Grandma and Grandpa let Kate run the show, so she was very lucky to have such a fun week. The biggest thing she did while she was there was start walking! Somehow, I just knew she was going to take her first unaided steps the moment we left. It was really funny to come back and see her toddling (stumbling?) along. She still crawls some, but is getting more confident with each step. True to her nature, she is tenacious and doesn't mind a bit when she falls. Between all the playing and walking, I'm sure Grandma and Grandpa will enjoy the rest and quiet now that we've gone. Grandma said she'd love to keep Kate full-time---as long as she could hire a nanny to help her chase the little whirling dervish around! :)