Sunday, September 9, 2012

Happy Birthday, Will!

Will turned two today!  Honestly, it is seriously hard to believe that I had him two whole years ago.  I'm not sure he knows exactly what "his birthday" means but he knew enough to announce "it's my birthday!" when he woke up this morning.  We spent the day with Grandpa Mac and Aunt Louise and, thankfully, with daddy who is now home from the fire (a welcome change especially since he missed Will's first birthday because of a fire).  When Will arrived a week before his scheduled c-section date two years ago, I was not too thrilled (well, thrilled with Will, but not so thrilled with the whole labor experience again!) but he did arrive at a great time because his birthday falls near the Sisters Folk Festival every year.  The SFF is the BEST event in town all year--a full three days of music, happening all day long at seven venues around town.  It's amazing and fun and is like a whole town party falling right near Will's birthday!  We spent this morning going to the annual Community Celebration, which is held in a park downtown.  Will and Kate got to play and dance and, best of all for them, sit on the top of a double decker bus and eat french fries (it was one of the food vendors).  After the music, we had lunch and cake at home, and then headed to Scout Lake.  Grandpa Mac brought his canoe and we brought our inflatable kayak, so Kate and Will had a great time taking trips being paddled around the lake.  Although it was colder out than last weekend, the kids got to swim with a brave Grandpa and "Aunt."  We came home for presents and dinner, and now a very tired two-year-old boy is sound asleep!  We love you, Will--you're a sweet and snuggly not-so-little boy, but you'll always be our baby boy!


Anonymous said...

Happy 2nd Birthday Will! I think we have a real party
boy on our hands! We love you to the moon & back!
Love, Grandma Star & Grandpa Bobby

Anonymous said...

Now that's a great birthday celebration! I can't wait to give him birthday hugs.
Grandma Connie