Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First day of school!

It was Kate's first day of four-year-old preschool today and it garnered two vastly different reactions from the kids.  Kate was over the moon, grinning from ear to ear the moment she woke up.  She got to be the "line leader" and lead all the kids into school, and she didn't even say goodbye to me.  Will, on the otherhand, completely and totally freaked out.  Although we've talked and talked about Kate going to school, he apparently still did not get that he wasn't coming along.  The poor guy gave the teacher a huge hug, just like the other kids, and tried to line right up with them to go into school.  When I broke the news that we were leaving, he burst into tears and kept saying, "NO, I go to school too!!"  I don't think I've ever seen him so upset.  Fortunately, it was short-lived once we left and I kept talking to him about how special it was the it was just the two of us.  He got to take a bath by himself, which seemed to undo the majority of the trauma.  Kate came running out of school and gave both of us big hugs, and claimed to have had "so, so, so, so, so much fun!"  I'd say the day was a success--only one year until Kate is in kindergarten.  It's so hard to believe my baby girl is a school girl now!

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