Thursday, August 23, 2012

My two princesses

There are definite hazards to having an older sisters, which I've documented before.  Will just thinks that everyone loves princesses and sparkle because Kate that what Kate loves.  Lately, Kate is really into getting decked out.  She chooses multiple pieces of jewelry, multiple bobbles and barettes for her hair and, usually, wings and a crown.  This is on top of multiple frilly layers of actual clothing.  So, what' Will to do but try to keep up?  He has adopted this bright orange tutu as his own and calls it his "spinny dress."  In the picture above, he's also wearing a bracelet.  But at least he has a Spiderman shirt on and "boyish" rain boots (you never know, right?)  I let him wear all this stuff around the house and, obviouly, outside but I do draw the line at wearing it out and about (I mean, you've got to have some limits, right?....Which is why they both now often wear superhero style capes when we go's all about negotiation!)  On the day above, Kate and Will actually got in a fight about who was prettier.  Kate said, "Don't I look pretty?" and Will said, "I look pretty!" and Kate said, "But I look the prettiest." and Will said, "No, I prettiest" and on it went.....poor guy, I'm sure he'll be horrified by all this in ten years!


Anonymous said...

Will will always hold his own no matter what the attire! Pretty/handsome, it's all relative--and they are both.
It is never going to be dull at your house.
Grandma Connie

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on seven wonderful years and two amazing little ones! Celebrate! Love, G&G