Monday, August 20, 2012

Random kid funniness....

Funniness?  Is that even word.  As my brain deteriorates daily with the duties of motherhood, I'm not even sure anymore.  It does describe my kids, though.  Now that they can have conversations, they are complete jokesters, always cracking eachother up.  Both of them like to try to be funny and the funny part to me is not whatever they're saying, but that they both dissolve into giggles before they even get the "punchline" out.  Will cracked himself up a few days ago when he told me his name was "Willy Wonka"--he knew that one was going to get a laugh.  Even though neither kid has any idea what "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" is, they've both heard the name, so Will calls himself "Willy Wonka & Factory."  And Kate just learned her first actual joke off of a juice box and now tells it all the time (she really doesn't care that we've all heard it 1000 times because she says the punchline before we'd even have a chance to answer).  Even though many of you have already heard this joke numerous times, I'm going to record it here because in years to come I know we won't remember it.  So, the joke is: "what's the difference between a fish and a piano?"  The answer is, "You can't tune a fish!"  Kate (and now Will) LOVE this joke.  Will just goes around now saying, "You can't tune a fish!!" and then laughing hysterically.  He was doing it in the grocery store the other day and someone passing by said, "I'm not sure what he's saying but, boy, it must be funny!"  Since that joke worked so well, they've also just adopted the format and invented their own.  There's a lot of "what's the difference between a lion and a refridgerator?" "You can't tune a banana!" going on in our house.  It keeps them entertained.  There's no real point to this post, just that it is such a fun thing to watch your kids invent their own humor.  When they're joking around at dinner, laughing at their own inside jokes, I always think of you, Starla, and how you've told my about Ryan and Jay doing the same thing.  I guess it's in the genes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kate and Will are quite the team...we loved their jokes and the scary thing is that they made perfect sense to Bob & I. Can't wait to see all of you very soon!
Love, G&G