Well, I fully intended to post these picture A WEEK AGO but the week went awry and got away from me. The seemingly yearly August fire tradition has continued this year, and Ryan got sent to one on Monday. He's thinking this could be another long one, which is great for the bank account but not so much for my sanity!! We need daddy to balance us out, that's for sure. On top of "single" parenthood, I got a call on Tuesday from one of our preschool teachers announcing that she could not teach this year. Unforeseen circumstances, but horrible timing and as board president, it's pretty much my problem to solve. A million phone calls, email and some sleepless nights later, I think we've got things worked out. I mention all this as a way to say I did have a good excuse for not writing about our fantastic, SO fun trip to Yreka for the fair. I think it was our best trip with the kids so far. They are getting to such a great age--easier to handle and a lot more fun to do things with. They loved, and I do mean LOVED, the fair, especially the rides. Kate kept sayin that the thing she wanted to do most was the ferris wheel and all the other rides. I thought for sure that there would be at least one ride that she got on that turned into a big freak out, maybe with some yelling of, "MOMMY, I WANT TO GET OFF." But that did not happen. At all. In fact, it was just the opposite. Ryan and I were lamenting why we did not buy the ride bracelet as we could quickly see we were going to spend a fortune on ride tickets (or, grandma and grandpa were, as I'm sure they did most of the ride-buying!) We've already decided that next year we will buy the bracelet--probably for both kids as Will was none to happy he was too short for most of the rides that Kate could do!
The tractor is still their favorite ride! |
Kate's a seasoned pro at the pony rides, but this was Will's first one! |
Kate was in the fair! The photographer who took family pictures last Thanksgiving entered two pictures of Kate. |
The sweet ride operator let Will on this one even though he isn't 36 inches yet. Will took it very seriously (I think he thinks he's really driving--it's the same with the car carts at the grocery store). He was NOT happy to leave this truck behind! |
Kate, front and center on the kid roller coaster. |
Chillin' by grandma & grandpa's pond |
Can I come too next year? That looks like so much fun!
Grandma Connie
I never go to the fair anymore because it's no fun without kids. Maybe one of these years, we can take them to the Oregon State Fair?
Grandpa Mac
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