Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I spy and spy and spy.....

Taking calls while wearing underwear on your head--just a normal day at our house!

Kate and Will have reached the age where they can play car (and, for them, frequently, stroller) games.  This is a blessing, as anyone with babies who scream in the car/toddlers who ask "are we almost there?" 15 minutes into 5 hours drives will know.  Their car games began with singing "Itsy Bisty Spider" and inserting something (ie banana/tree/mommy) where "water spout" should be and then laughing maniacally regardless.  (Lest you think they are creative enough to come up with this out of the blue, I must confess they learned it from Dora.  Like a lot of things, I must also confess...)  Kate, of course, came up with the idea and had it mastered but Will, surprisingly, hung in there pretty well.  His rendition goes something like, "The itsy -ider k-imbed up....mumbled word....{crazy laughter}. That game has gotten old, but they are obsessed, and I mean OBSESSED, with playing "I spy."  The only problem with this is that Central Oregon is a pretty boring place to play this game.  There are waaaaay too many earth tones to make it at all interesting.  So, I've heard "I spy something brown" too many times to even pretend that I don't know what it will be.  We've somewhat remedied our lack of color by spying things inside the car but even this is hard to keep up (for me, not for them).  Will got in on this game, too, and actually impressed us one day by saying "I spy sum-ting b-own."  He doesn't wait for us to guess, so he shouted, "Daddy's shirt!"  And, by golly, he was right.  I think we acted a little too impressed, though, because that is now the only thing he'll ever "spy," regardless of whether Ryan is wearing brown or even present at all.  I can't complain, though, because they do entertain themselves with this game, even after mommy bows out.  The sweetest "game" was played yesterday while they entertained themselves in the stroller while I ran.  Kate tried her damndest to teach Will the ABCs and he tried his hardest to keep up.  The entire time she sang it to him and then said, "Now, you try, Will."  His version sounds like "A, B, C, D, H, J, K, M, N, P, Q, T, Z."  Every time.  And, every time, Kate would very nicely say, "Oh, Will, you're getting so much better!"  It's moments like these, much more frequently lately, where they are playing/talking so nicely together without really knowing I'm there that make me proud SO proud of them and make my heart happy to know I have two kids who love each other.  Pretty lucky!


Anonymous said...

Kate told me yesterday that she would like an all-girl picnic. Then she added quickly, "But Will can come too."
I think they've become good friends.
Grandma Connie

Anonymous said...

All the games sound better than what she had us playing at my house. The game consisted of holding a plastic mat in each hand, then running in circles around the house while flapping the mats sort of like tail feathers. When you stopped, you had to tap the mats on each side of your head. I don't think there was a way to win the game but Kate was VERY precise on what you had to do.
Grandpa Mac

Anonymous said...

We can only guess what game Kate will come up with for the Yreka Grandpa & Gram S. We are counting the
days until you arrive! Hugs, G & G