Sunday, July 8, 2012

Caution: Entering the land of TATTLE TALE

Oh boy, we are SO in the tattling phase with Kate.  All day long, it is constantly, "MOOOOMMMMYYYY, Will did......."  The best was the other day, though, when the kids were watching Dora.  I was in the kitchen and could hear everything.  One of the Dora characters needed to be really strong to do something and he asked the audience if they were strong so they could help.  Both kids answered, "YES!" (they love to talk back, which I find quite funny).  Then he asked, "Are you really, really, super strong?" And Will automatically called back, "YES!"  Kate then proceeded to say, "Mommy, Will said he is really, really, super strong and he is only just strong.  Daddy's much, much stronger than Will so Will lied."  Refining what is a tattle-able offense could take some time.

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