Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Kate quote o' the day

I should really just make this blog about things Kate says on a daily basis.  It's been so long since I've recorded some and I'm kicking myself because she comes up with some awesome tidbits everyday.  Alas, blogging time is so short of late, that I'll just have to settle for the few and far between and just enjoy the rest in the moment (and, trust me, she supplies me with at least one good laugh each day).  She had a good one at bedtime tonight, so here's one while I'm at this blogging things (two in one day?!)

(Kate, sitting in bed, with a devilish grin and the "Where's Waldo?" book)

Kate: "You know what, mommy?  Of all the things Grandma hates, she hates "Where's Waldo?" the most."

Me: "That's not really a nice word, honey.  I don't think Grandma hates things."

Kate: "Oh, yes, she does because that's the word she uses when she sees this book!"

So, mom, fess up, are you airing your long list of pet peeves to Kate?  Or is it just Waldo on the "most hated" list?  Can't blame you for that one!  He's on mine, too, along with that damn "Skippy Jon Jones" (footnote: DON'T EVER, ever buy this book for anyone you know and like!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe I should change that to, "I DESPISE that book." Anything less would be lying.
xo Mom