Monday, March 26, 2012

That mom

I took the kids to the park today and I was finally "that mom"....."that mom" that I've admired since I had the kids. The one who could just watch her kids play, visit with friends, enjoy the sun. The one who DIDN'T have to hover constantly over her wobbly kids, averting disaster on the play structures. Yep, today that was ME! For the first time, both Will and Kate could do everything by themselves without me worrying that they were going to fall off/over/whatever something that was too big for them. Will could climb by himself, slide by himself and, his favorite, climb up the slide by himself. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't like playing with the kids at the park, it's just that I like playing with them without worrying about them even more! This is a big any mom or dad who's spent hours and hours climbing and sliding with their kids will know! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's huge. Congratulations!
Grandma Connie