I managed to coax our dying camera into taking another photo (maybe the rest I've let it have will mean it's working again....because that's how I fix things: either leave them alone or switch them on and off a few times) because I had to get a photo of our first foray into face-painting. Ryan and I both had really loooong runs on tap for today since we're both gearing up for the Peterson Ridge 20-miler and late-spring marathons, so we were looking for afternoon activities that could be done sitting, hence the face-painting. Kate said she looked "pretty cool" but did call me out because "the dolphin doesn't look like the one on the package." Have to say she's right there--my artistic talents are not many, but it was still fun and better than having her put eyeshadow and mascara on herself!! And, PS, Kate would, from now on, like to be referred to as "Princess Rainbow Spinny-dress Tutu Sparkle." :)
Now that is beautiful! She does, indeed, look like Princess Rainbow Spinny etc, etc. My favorite Kate-ism of late was as she was going through some of my jewelry last week she asked, "Grandma, is this what you wear when YOU play dress-up?"
Grandma Connie
Love the new name and the face paint. It's so 70's...
groovy, Princess Rainbow!!! Love, Gram Star
Very beautiful... and the new name too!
oh... and Aunt Cyndi LOVES the dolphin too!
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