Tuesday, January 31, 2012

And, today, she explains...

So, Kate is WAY into playing doctor/nurse lately (I'm quite surprised that I lived through the night as yesterday I was diagnosed with no heartbeat and teeth so bad that she needed the drill from her tool bench to "fix them") and she was back at it this morning, yet again announcing her intention to be a "princess nurse." I felt that I should inform her that girls can be doctors, too. She informed me that she "already knew that" but that she was being the nurse because she is Pam (the nurse she loves at her doctor's office) and Will was being Dr. Bachtold (her doctor whom she completely and utterly adores). So it made more sense seeing that Will is a boy and Kate is a girl. I asked her if Pam is a "princess nurse," too. After quite a bit of thought, she announced, "I think Pam is just a regular nurse because she doesn't wear princess stuff. But I'm pretty sure that when I'm a nurse I should wear a crown. And maybe some sparkly shoes." And that is a sight I'd like to see! :)

As not to leave little Will out (he is fast approaching the point where his sayings will be part of this blog too--hooray for intelligible speech!!), here are my favorite Will moments of the day thus far: watching him try to high five and kiss his shadow on the wall and finding him sitting on our bed, intently "reading" the 600+ page The Six Wives of Henry VIII." Smart boy!

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