"Mommy(or Daddy), is this a good idea?" This is usually posed from somewhere high and/or precarious and often involves Will in a compromising position. We usually (and rightly) say, "Not really," but she usually does it anyway...the above was, apparently, a "good idea" since both kids found it hilarious. I can only imagine the plots Kate will drag Will into as they get older!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Kate's favorite question:
"Mommy(or Daddy), is this a good idea?" This is usually posed from somewhere high and/or precarious and often involves Will in a compromising position. We usually (and rightly) say, "Not really," but she usually does it anyway...the above was, apparently, a "good idea" since both kids found it hilarious. I can only imagine the plots Kate will drag Will into as they get older!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Santa came!
Has Christmas day really come and gone already? It seems like it was just last Christmas, when we had one who was not yet 2-and-a-half and one who was just 3 months old. This year, Kate actually got excited about Christmas morning and Will, while having no clue about the whole Santa thing, was a very willing participant. I went in to cover Kate up a little before 6 am, only to find her wide awake and ready to get up (this NEVER happens). I asked her if she wanted to go back to sleep for a bit and she said, "No way!" We went downstairs and watched Christmas cartoons with daddy while we waited for Will to wake up. Then we opened our stockings, had breakfast with Grandma Connie and Grandpa Bill and opened the presents under the tree. It was really just perfect and fun. Kate was ecstatic that Santa brought her TONS of stickers (the only thing she asked for) and Will was just happy to rip some paper and find things that made noise. The kids spent the rest of the morning basking in all their gifts---but I must say the best part (as it should be) about the day was spending it relaxing and playing with the kids. It was our first time staying home since the kids were born and it was really fun to start our own traditions. Can't wait for next year!
Kate dressed up as Snow White
The kids' first basketball hoop--adjustable so even Will can dunk!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Merry Christmas Eve!!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Oh, the honesty!
Kate: "I sure don't like what I don't like. Like nuts."
Me: "Is there anything else?"
Kate: "Pretty much all the food you give me."
Me: "Is there anything else?"
Kate: "Pretty much all the food you give me."
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Chirstmas party!
Kate had a Christmas party at school today, complete with a little caroling show for the parents. I can't say that the kids actually sang but it was cute nonetheless--and kind of shocking that my baby girl has reached the school-holiday-show age. Will tried to join in and enjoyed the applause at the end. He ran up to Kate and gave her a big hug in the middle of the show which was, by far, my favorite part. :) God bless preschool teachers because Miss Sue had organized the whole party...I'm not sure how she comes up with all the projects and how she herds these kids around, but she does an amazing job. The kids had even made us a whole bunch of presents (they're even wrapped so they are still a mystery and, as I'm learning with these preschool crafts, their identity may still be a mystery once I open them!) We played a game where we got to make eachother into snowmen. This was a HUGE hit with the kids since they got their first lesson in how to TP something! It really was fun and I'm feel SO lucky that we are in a preschool where all the parents are involved and all the kids know all the families. What a blessing to have a community of supportive friends who are in the same stage of life. I can honestly say that I can't imagine Kate's first year of school being any better. Today she gave Miss Sue a huge hug when we left and told me, "that Miss Sue sure does love me!" I really think she's right. It's a pretty lucky thing to feel like your school is your second home, and I think that's exactly how Kate feels. So, school's out for the next couple weeks now so I say, "bring on the holidays!!"
Friday, December 9, 2011
Beauty shop--wish I had a picture!
Kate had her first experience playing "beauty shop" today. Now, those of us who know and love Kate, know that "beauty shop" is not something she'd be into playing. She will literally run, screaming, "DO NOT touch me with that" if I try to offer her chapstick. She's seen me putting on makeup and has never once asked what it is or if she could try it. Show her a picture of a drill press and she'll identify it in no time, but she could not identify mascara if you paid her (in stickers, of course, because that's the currency she's currently operating in...) Anyway, most little girls her age seem to be showing some interest in girly pursuits like "beauty shop" and this is definitely the case with her beloved friend, Addie. We went to Addie's house yesterday and she suggested, first, that Kate paint her toenails. This, Kate understands, although she likes to have hers painted less for the beauty aspect than for the choosing of the pattern aspect (i.e. "mommy, I want it to go green, red, yellow, green, red, yellow.") So, off they went to paint nails. Heidi (my beloved friend and Addie's mom) and I gladly took the boys downstairs and enjoyed that our girls are now to the age that they happily play ON THEIR OWN!! After awhile, we went back up to see what they were doing and we heard Addie call, "oh, I made Kate REALLY pretty." She made her something, all right. Out walks Kate, clearly completely confused by what had just transpired. She had, probably, a bottle of hairspray in her hair which resembled something of a beehive/mohawk (impressive, I must say). She also had brown eyeshadow under her eyes and a good amount of blush on her cheeks. She looked exactly like she'd been in a huge brawl. Unfortunately, we had to go then because it was her turn to make Addie up next and I have no idea how that would have gone. When we left, Kate said, "that sure was fun when Addie decorated me!" I asked her if she had lots of blush and eyeshadow on and she said, "oh no, mommy, it's just some stuff Addie said goes on your face." I asked her if she wanted to play beauty shop at home and she said, "We could. With markers and crayons, maybe?" :)
Thursday, December 8, 2011
One more (important) thing!!
I forgot to say a HUGE Happy Birthday to the BEST daddy and husband the world has ever seen!! Ryan's birthday was Monday, but we're really celebrating this weekend when Grandma Connie comes to watch the kids for a night while Ryan and I go to Portland! Yippeee! And today is another important birthday--Happy, happy birthday to Jim! You are an amazing friend and I am forever grateful to have met you (and your lovely wife, of course! :)
Thanksgiving (even though it's almost Christmas!)
Was Thanksgiving really already a couple weeks ago? Really?! The calendar says we're well on our way to Christmas, but we're still basking in the glow of fun we had in Yreka over Thanksgiving. It was a party whirlwind, with Thanksgiving day and a couple parties for cousin Kari who's getting married this weekend! We wish we could go down to the wedding in San Diego with all the other Singletons, but we will be there in spirit and feel very lucky that we got to spend so much time with everyone over the holiday. Naturally, I don't have any photos of any of the festivities, but I do have many of the kids doing two activities they loved at Grandma & Grandpa's house: cruising around in the wheelbarrow and stomping in puddles. Will was often covered in mud as Kate encouraged him by giggling hysterically as he ran into puddles. And, whenever the wheelbarrow stopped, Will would frantically sign "MORE." Kate discovered the simple fun of being pushed around in the wheelbarrow when we were in Yreka for Thanksgiving when she was just about the same age Will is now. Like sister, like brother! We also went to the fantastic Yreka Christmas parade. Kate thought it was "better than Halloween" because almost every float threw candy---her pockets were so full, she could barely walk when it was over (fortunately for us, and her teeth, she forgot about the candy by the next day). It truly was a great trip because we got to spend so much time with family. Kate was in heaven having so many people to choose from to read her stories at bedtime! We've been back home for awhile now and it's just been a whirlwind lately (as usual). We're gearing up for our first Christmas at home since we had the kids. I don't think Kate's quite to the point where she gets the whole Santa thing; I asked her if she wanted to go sit on Santa's lap and tell him what she wants for Christmas and she replied, "Why would I want to do THAT?!" Maybe next year?
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