Okay, this is gross, so consider yourself forewarned. STOP READING now if you are eating or if you just generally aren't in the mood. I know it's not really something to share but, hey, sometimes toddlers do gross things that are really pretty funny. To me, this is one of those things but, then, my sense of humor can be juvenile at times. Anyhoo. Kate loves to watch the clouds go by while we're in the car and declare what each one looks like to her (this is not the gross part). Well, now she's taken this cloud-spotting idea to a whole new level. Anyone with a toddler, especially a recently potty-trained one, will likely agree with me that they become pretty obsessed and intrigued by anything potty related. Kate likes to look at every bathroom wherever we go, she wants to know all about who goes and where and--here comes the gross part--she's very intrigued by poop. Yep, she likes to look for animal poop, she claims "those rocks look like poop" pretty much every day and--here's where cloud-spotting comes into play--she has taken to analyzing what her own poop looks like. And here I'm talking shapes. So, as gross as it is, I must admit that it is fairly hilarious when she joyfully exclaims, "I made SMILEY FACE poop!" She's also made airplane and rocket poop and today (where does she come up with this stuff??) she topped them all by deciding, "Today was the best, mommy. I made TOUCAN poop." Gotta love their imaginations and honesty!
She will never forgive you for sharing this!!
Grandma Connie
Kate has a rich imagination....can't wait to see what she is going to do with it! Creative Writing class here she comes!
YES! She is now officially Dan's favorite small person. :-) xoxo Auntie Courtney and Uncle Dan
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