* Her favorite action phrase right now (said while jumping on the couch) is "I'm causing a ruckus. Yeah, I'm causing a ruckus!!"
*Her FAVORITE thing to say right now is "Ain't no thang but a chicken waang!" And, yes, she says it with the fake Southern accent that turns "wing" into "waaang." Her best use, in my opinion, was when she saw a tiny spider yesterday and started crying (she has a weird thing with bugs right now). She was pleading with me to put it outside. After I got it outside, I was telling her that she's just going to have to get used to bugs because they're just a part of life. She was still sniffling when she warbled out, "I know, mommy, it ain't no thang but a chicken wang."
*Her favorite word right now is ENORMOUS. Her best use of it, in her opinion, was to say "What's daddy's name?" When I said "Ryan" she said, "No, it's daddy-enormous!" She followed this up with ecstatic laughter at her own hilarity.
I swear, toddlers are just the best. Even on your worst days, they never fail to crack you up with what they say!
We HAVE to skype again before you come over - I NEED to hear her say 'Ain't no thang but a chicken waaang!' Absolutely brilliant!
Big Kate xx
Absolutely hilarious...this has put a great big smile on my face. Future comedienne I'm sure. I'm going to try dropping these phrases into my freelance editor chats ;)
I'm speechless....what's next from our Kate? She continues to amaze. Just remember that Will is taking it all in and they will be quite a team. Hang in there, Bryn! Love, GaGa Star
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