Sunday, May 29, 2011
First (solo) race since Will was born!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Yes! Yesss! YEEESSSSSS!!
Okay, I'm trying not to get my hopes up here but it might just perhaps be that Will has FINALLY discovered how to sleep well. Please don't let me be jinxing this right now (if you know any un-jinxing tricks, kindly insert them here!) If he has turned the corner, it will be a bit wild because he will have followed the exact same sleep pattern as Kate did. They both started out as good sleepers and then got thrown off by a trip taken around 5 months. From then on, both were erratic and difficult. Some nights were great, others not great AT ALL. We started bedtime routines with both of them early on and they both went down to bed easily, falling asleep on their own. From there, though, all hell could break loose. They both would wake up during the night repeatedly. Then, miraculously, at exactly 9 months Kate rolled to her stomach one night and slept 9 hours. She continued to wake at 4 am until 11 months when I cut out that feeding as the last one to wean her off breastfeeding. Thinking we were being smart, we tried putting Will on his stomach about a month ago, but he wasn't having it. Then, two nights ago, Ryan put him to bed (awake) and when we checked on him later, he was on his stomach. Just like Kate, he woke up at 4, I fed him and he went right back down. Last night, he was turning over before Ryan even left the room and slept until 4 and is sleeping peacefully now!! Oh, PLEASE, please let this be the beginning of good sleep (for all of us!!) And, yes, I realize that this is completely uninteresting as a post but it is VERY, very, very, very exciting for me!!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Will + blueberries = true love!
Will's love affair with food continues and his current obsession is blueberries. To say that he adores them is an understatement. He's completely caught on to the sign for "more" in the last few days because he is so insistent on getting more and more of that squishy blue goodness. I no longer dress him for blueberry sessions since they get EVERYWHERE. I found some in his belly button yesterday. Aside from blueberries, Will is still into any and all food. He's still eating purees and mashes, but he's also eating almost all our food too. He gets MAD if we don't share with him. Quite a difference from our picky first child! He also likes to feed himself (giving me another reason to keep him naked during mealtimes!)
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
Kate & Jim: This one's for you!
It's not really her best rendition since getting her to do something on demand is as close as I get to moving mountains, but here you go! I hope your goal of daily usage is going well. :) If wedding planning starts getting hectic, just breathe and remember "It ain't no thang!!" (Well, actually, it's a big "thang" but I have NO doubts that it is going to be perfection!)
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Argh. Tough day.
It's one of those days when it seems that one kid is melting down at all times!! Time for a silent scream: AAAAAAAHHHHHH! Okay, much better. The day has had one highlight (or most embarrassing moment, depending on how you look at it). In the bathroom at Target, Kate kept asking "who is that next to me? Hello?" because she could see feet in the stall next to her. Then, while washing our hands, she kept asking people: "did you have to pee or poo?" Ha! Luckily, people seem to find that endearing coming from a two-year-old.....
Monday, May 9, 2011
Oh, the things she says...

* Her favorite action phrase right now (said while jumping on the couch) is "I'm causing a ruckus. Yeah, I'm causing a ruckus!!"
*Her FAVORITE thing to say right now is "Ain't no thang but a chicken waang!" And, yes, she says it with the fake Southern accent that turns "wing" into "waaang." Her best use, in my opinion, was when she saw a tiny spider yesterday and started crying (she has a weird thing with bugs right now). She was pleading with me to put it outside. After I got it outside, I was telling her that she's just going to have to get used to bugs because they're just a part of life. She was still sniffling when she warbled out, "I know, mommy, it ain't no thang but a chicken wang."
*Her favorite word right now is ENORMOUS. Her best use of it, in her opinion, was to say "What's daddy's name?" When I said "Ryan" she said, "No, it's daddy-enormous!" She followed this up with ecstatic laughter at her own hilarity.
I swear, toddlers are just the best. Even on your worst days, they never fail to crack you up with what they say!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day!!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Sort of like cloud spotting. Sort of.
Monday, May 2, 2011
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