I must start this post by saying that unless you are Kate's grandparent or, possibly, a parent of a toddler, you probably (a) won't care about the following and (b) shouldn't care about the following....but I sure do! So, I was upstairs doing laundry while Kate was downstairs. It had been all of about 5 minutes when she called up, "mommy, I had a little accident." I started rushing down thinking very frustrated thoughts since she had JUST gone, but when I got downstairs Kate was giggling. She then said, "ha, I tricked you, mommy. I did it myself." I thought she was just being silly until she showed me that she did indeed go all by herself. And, unless you've potty trained a toddler, you're likely thinking "why is she telling me this?" (rightly so). But if you HAVE potty trained a wee (pun intended!) one, I bet you understand why I am very happy at her independence!!
He he! I love that she tricked you :-). Love that girl! xoxo Auntie Courtney
...and her awesome sense of humor!! What a crack-up!
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