Monday, August 3, 2009

Uncle Jason & Aunt Cyndi

Our fantastic stretch of family visitors continued this weekend with a visit from the honeymoon-ing Jason and Cyndi. We'll feel so lucky they chose to visit us on their special, once-in-a-lifetime trip! We, of course, didn't think it was nearly long enough to see them, but we did enjoy all the time we had. Luckily, the P.A. weather cooperated and we took them out to Lake Crescent (fast becoming like Kate's second home!) We were all kind of wishing we had our swimsuits since the weather was warm and the water felt nice. Kate is getting ever-braver; this time, she held onto Ryan's hands and waded out to chest-deep water. Pretty soon, she'll be dunking her head, if she has her way. We took them to our favorite restaurant and to pick raspberries, as well. Although we wish they could have stayed at least another week, it was so nice to see them. Now, we're awaiting my grandpa from North Carolina who is almost 91 but was bound and determined to come see his great-granddaughter. Lucky us!


Anonymous said...

Jay called this morning to tell us they were home and how much they enjoyed their time with you and that it was much too short. Maybe it's time to open a B&B! Miss you all so much. Gram S.

Anonymous said...

she looking lot like her dad and great grandmom helen love un blaker

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful summer for Little Miss Kate! She is so well-loved by all the relatives. I can't wait to see that little waterbaby again!