Seven years! Today, Ryan and I have been married seven years! I know I say it every year, but it hardly seems possible. For the third year in a row, Ryan's gone on a fire so I will be spending our anniversary on a date with Kate & Will. But he does get tomorrow off, so we'll only miss it by one day--we all can't wait to have him back!! The kids and I had a good weekend, though, because we had a visit from Grandma Star and Grandpa Bobby. I am eternally thankful to them for coming up because I had my vein surgery on Friday and I could not have made it through without their help! My leg is on the mend and looks like a NORMAL leg again (or will once it's not bruised and I don't have to wear a compression sock anymore!) So worth it. While I was a little less mobile this weekend, we still kept busy with lots of watching the kids swim and a really nice dinner out at a new restaurant in town (always big news in Sisters!) There was also a lot of joking around from Kate and Will. Okay, I admit that these jokes are NOT FUNNY. Not at all but what is funny is how the kids tell them (Kate generally gets all the words right, but tells it as one big joke because I don't think she understands the whole pinch-line thing; Will, on the other hand, just says part of the joke and laughs hysterically). So, here are there latest ones:
"What do you call a dog who tells time?" "A watch do!"
"Knock, Knock" "Who's there?" "Barbie" "Barbie who?" "Barbie Q!"
My bandaged leg--not a cast, but still good enough for the kids to decorate! |
Will getting his first crack at birthday presents--he definitely does not have the system down yet, but I'm sure he'll get the hang of it doon! |
Kate loves the Barbie joke because she thinks Barbie is a princess (and because we don't really let her have Barbies yet, so it's kind of a forbidden fruit). I'm not sure what Will likes about the Barbie joke, aside from telling his own version which, with Grandma Star and Grandpa Bobby here this weekend, turned into: "Knock, knock?" "Who's there?" "Bobby Q!"