Thursday, March 29, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Yep, Will loves trucks!
I got a video from the library about "Big Machines" and this was Will's reaction to seeing "Road Construction Ahead." Actually, I missed the best part which was when he nearly hyperventilated when he saw the first big rigs. The best part is that it's a 4 DVD series, each one with a different big machine focus. My dream is that I can get him to sit through the entire 30 minutes (this would be a first) because I could get a lot done in those 30 Will-less minutes!! If it works these DVDs may be severely overdue....sorry library, but I've been waiting for something that would make Will sit still!
Monday, March 26, 2012
That mom
I took the kids to the park today and I was finally "that mom"....."that mom" that I've admired since I had the kids. The one who could just watch her kids play, visit with friends, enjoy the sun. The one who DIDN'T have to hover constantly over her wobbly kids, averting disaster on the play structures. Yep, today that was ME! For the first time, both Will and Kate could do everything by themselves without me worrying that they were going to fall off/over/whatever something that was too big for them. Will could climb by himself, slide by himself and, his favorite, climb up the slide by himself. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't like playing with the kids at the park, it's just that I like playing with them without worrying about them even more! This is a big any mom or dad who's spent hours and hours climbing and sliding with their kids will know! :)
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Camera, resurrected
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Quick laugh of the day....
Upon seeing a commercial on the Learning Channel for a show called the "Little Couple," Kate remarked to no one in particular, "Man, those are the oldest looking kids I've ever seen!"
Friday, March 16, 2012
And, YES, it's time for random Will-ness!
Kate's not the only big talker in our house now--Will's gaining speed every day!! He's talking constantly now and is SO proud of himself. Now that he can verbalize things, I'm actually amazed at how many words for things he knows. When we go to the store, it's sort of like he has some mild case of toddler Tourette's syndrome; he just yells out random words when he sees things he knows. We were in Target the other day and he was gleefully screaming, "SHIRT!" "BROOM!" "BALL!" "JUICE!" and on and on. He's starting to put two words together, some good (he heard someone say "have fun!" the other day and now enjoys busting that one out every few minutes) and the not so good (he's learned how to say "NO, MINE!" which has upped the sibling rivalry in our house by quite a bit). And, of course, Kate is his ultimate and supreme idol (he points to her closet and says "skirt, spin!" because we wants to wear tutus like her), so she is able to teach him pretty much whatever she wants and is able to get him to do whatever she wants. So far, she's wielded her power fairly tamely--she happily got him to yell "pee" and "poo"--but I can see that he's in for it! She has been trying to teach him letters and colors, which is so sweet because I can see she's copying the mannerisms of her pre-school teacher. It's met with a little success--if you point to a color, Will will emphatically nod his head and say "boo" or "geen" no matter what color it is. Hey, it's a start, right?Whether it's good or not-so-good talking, this age is pretty much my favorite. Watching kids learn how to talk is such a welcome reward for all the months you spend guessing what they want and trying to talk for them. It's fantastic to watch them show you what they know. We've de-camped to Grandma Connie's for a couple nights while Ryan has his guys' March Madness weekend and, last night, we watched Kate and Will dissolve into belly laughs together. They were sitting on the table around a bouquet of flowers, sniffing them (Will was actually blowing on them, but sniffing's tough, right? :) and then pretending they were stinking by yelling "P U"!! To them, this was high comedy and so funny because they were having their own little moment. Grandma Connie and I were laughing equally hard just watching their antics. It's amazing to think these two were in my tummy not so long ago, and now they're playing together and becoming mini-comedians! There's nothing like watching your kids grow up--if you can tough it out for those months of no sleep and adjustment to life with a newborn, you sure do get a big payoff as they grow!
Random Kate-ness....
Kate: "Mommy, I really want to be on a stage."
Me: "Well, you'll get to when you have a dance recital."
Kate: "No, what I really want is to be on a stage with a big microphone and sing Metallica."
Why does this not surprise me?? Over a year and her Metallica obsession still rages on. We had a CD in the car and we played it so many times that it actually broke. Ryan and I sometimes wonder if we have the only three-year-old that asks to listen to "Whiskey in a Jar." I mean, she might actually be the ONLY one....hmmm...if there is another kid out there, I wonder what he/she would be like?! And here's another comment for my friend New York City-living, fashion world-working, fabulous friend, Jen (I thought you'd appreciate Kate's fashion passion):
(Upon my opening the mailbox and finding a package with the Zulily logo on it...)
"Oooh, mommy, I think I smell a dress in the package (insert dramatic sniffing action here)....yep, I can smell it. I think it's a medium-sized, spinny dress for me!" And she was right--it was!
I wish I could keep up with all the comments Kate makes--I mean to remember them all, but life's to busy to record them all. I will say, though, that life is a lot more joyous, entertaining and fun with her around!
Friday, March 2, 2012
It all comes full circle
When I was little, my mom says that I used to do commercials in the bathtub. Things like, "I used Silky Soft soap on this arm for seven days and look at the difference!" Right now, Kate and Will are in the bath and I have been listening to Kate do a commercial for "Mermaid Pals" (must have been something she saw on TV...) Her version went something like this: "Mermaid Pals are fun. Mermaid Pals swim and have pretty, pretty tails. Mermaid Pals are great to play with for kids of all ages." And then my favorite part: "Mermaid Pals: each sold separately." Guess I'll have to get my paper and pen out to record her advertising sessions just like my mom did with me!
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