...or, so it would seem as our camera is now completely out of commission. And the above is the last photo it took. Yikes! This is Kate discovering make-up while I was in the shower...personally, I think she's either: (a) on her way to audition for Toddlers and Tiaras (b) on her way to audition for some KISS cover band or (c) on her way to one day perfecting the smokey eye. She looked in the mirror and announced, "I look like a crazy person," which just about summed it up. Fortunately, she has shown no interest in getting into the make-up again (good thing because it was VERY hard to get off!) What she has shown interest in lately is playing "bad guys" which has come about from playing with boys at school, and from our Super Bowl outing to Josh and Jen's house where she was the only girl amongst 5 (mostly older) boys. Ryan and I looked up once to see her coming down the stairs with a sword in one hand and a gun in the other, announcing "get the bad guys!!" She had never before seen a sword or a gun or played "bad guys" but she adapted quickly. The other day she wanted me to lay on the floor while she pounced on me, yelling, "I deaded (she, thankfully, hasn't learned "killing") you, I deaded you!!!" And then she got really sweet and said, "Now I am a prince and will awake you with true love's kiss and we will live happily ever after!" If that isn't the epitome of boy/girl play, I don't know what is. So, anyway. Until we get a new camera, I won't have any photographic evidence of our antics but I will still try to document (as rare as that seems to be these days!!)
That is one scary picture--3 going on 13! I'm anxiously awaiting your new camera, and Kate's transformation back to a 3yr old.
Grandma Connie
I think she did pretty well for a three year old. I see worse make-up than that on a lot older women. Of course, I live near the big city.
Gumpa Mac
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