Kate is WAY into playing dress-up right now. So much so that she wore a ladybug to school the other day (complete with wings) and wore her Spiderman costume (complete with fake muscles) to the brewery. She also likes to wear a Beckham jersey over the Spiderman costume, which basically makes her look like a small, steroid-taking footballer. It's not just costumes, either. She's taken to playing in my closet while I get ready. The other day she put on some high-heeled shoes, a jacket and a belt and informed me, "this will look just great in the moonlight." Because we spend so much time in the moonlight?! Kate chooses her clothes for school (a tutu is typically involved, as are two different shoes since she "can't decide because they both look good") and the last time I dropped her off, her teacher said she always looks forward to seeing what Kate is wearing. She's nothing if not creative! Some are hits and others are pretty strange misses, but the clothing battle is not one I'm willing to fight. For now, I'll just take lots of photos and use them as blackmail when she's an unruly teenager!
where does she learn these "off the wall" comments. She sure is a hoot!!
You 2 look VERY scary!
Grandma Connie
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